Joey Fallas
Your Trainer
My Story...
I guess you can say I have always been somewhat consistent with training.  I started to lift weights when I was 13 years old so I can get strong enough to defend myself from my older brother that woukd regularly punch me and hit me.  I asked my parents for a weight set for my 14th birthday. I was guided by a black and white photo book of the movements.  Maybe it was the original Charles Atlas book. I can't remember now.

But when I got to 10th grade in Balboa High School here in the former Canal Zone, I had an innovative physical education, (PE) teacher named Coach Stromberg. I big man with an impressive physique from what we can tell  in his gym teacher uniform.  We had PE every day, and Coach Stromberg had us do what I would say was circuit weight and gymnastics training every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.  I loved it! I was fortunate to have had Coach Stromberg for 11th grade PE as well. I continued to lift weights in university in NY and began to study Karate as well.
My parents were both obese, my older brother and two younger sisters were also obese. Everything revolved around an abundance of food. We ate healthy foods, but the quantity and variety was way more than we needed.
I was fighting a genetic and cultural battle”
Throughout my young adult life in university, then beginning to work in Manhattan I tried to continue to go to the gym. I was a regular in the gym, going every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays.
I found one of my best friends in that gym.  But when I started my family, things changed; the economy in the USA tanked, I lost my job in NYC and found myself with no income and going through my savings. So I decided to move back to Panama in 1990 after the USA invaded Panama and help liberate the country from the former dictaror Manuel Antonio Noriega.
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During the early 1990's there were no gyms in Panama and so I had no place to work out. I gained a lot of weight. I started a business in the Zona Libre De Colón in 1994 that had me working 14—16 hours a day. My father became very ill and debilitated from complications from diabetes and the subsequent kidney failure. He died very young and with no legs due to the amputations that diabetes causes.
That was a wake up call for me to get back to working out”
I started to workout in my building's gym at 5:00am so I could get to my business before all my employees. But my nutrition was still way off.  I gained muscle, but also lots of fat.
Then through a friend of mine I was showed evidence that carbohydrates were my weakness and how the excess consumption of staples like rice, potatoes, pasta and fruits caused me to really get fat.
48 years old
52 years old
It was Facebook photo that actually made me see my body for how it really was. One's own self image usually does not reflect the realty. I saw that photo and was shocked.
That photo is the "before" photo on this website. I changed the way I ate, I stopped all intake of alcohol immediately, and I was drinking almost every day many shots of Scotch in my office.
My big turn around seriously came  about when I went to an Open House at the defunct CrossFit PTY in San Francisco, Panama in January 2013. I was 50 years old at that time and I sighed up for one week of "Fundamentals" and haven't stopped training with the CF methodology ever since. I loved it! It kicked my ass every day. I formed some of my best friends in that gym and I began to lose the fat!
Only after 1 year training in CFPTY I became a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. I took as many seminars as I could. I traveled to the USA to take other seminars as well to get more educated in the sport of CrossFit.  In 2019 I advanced to be a CrossFit Level 2 Trainer. At that time I began to take on private personal training clients. I really liked it and my athletes became stronger and were getting accomplishing their goals.
Simultaneously my business was slowing down and the quarantine of the Corona Virus Pandemic forced me to close the business entirely in 2021. But that just gave me more time and brain bandwidth, so to speak, to dedicate everything I could.
Start your Personal Training with the Healthspan Training team  Today